Individual Psychotherapy
Individual Psychotherapy, also known as talk-therapy, is a branch of psychotherapy where a trained professional provides one-on-one support and equips you with the correct tools to tackle your mental condition in real-life situations. This type of therapy is prevalent among people, as it enables you to talk about your concerns in a fully confidential and supportive environment.
There are several approaches to individual psychotherapy, each with its strengths and weaknesses. During the first session, your therapist may bring this up to you and discuss what approach is more suitable for you. As therapy is a highly client-driven healthcare field, your therapist will ask from time to time if you're happy with your treatment, knowing that your feedback will be highly valuable.
For your therapy to be successful, engagement is essential. Firstly, you and your therapist should be comfortable working together. This aspect is vital as several studies have shown that the client-therapist relationship does influence the overall success of the therapy sessions. Additionally, your therapist may ask you to practice using some techniques outside your session's safe space. It may feel challenging at first, but soon it will improve your therapy sessions' success and outcome.
The benefits of individual psychotherapy far outweigh the drawbacks. The results happen spontaneously because of the unique nature of psychotherapy. You're in a safe, confidential, and understanding environment where your therapist hears everything you say.
Finding a good therapist for your mental health condition is daunting and confusing at times. Read on to access complete, accessible information on all things about individual psychotherapy, from how it works to its benefits and drawbacks. We've got you covered. Click here to learn more.
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Psychological Testing
Has your provider referred you for psychological tests but feeling overwhelmed and uncertain with all of the information received? Then read on, as we will provide you with the essential information you need to feel confident about your next step.
Being referred for psychological testing is sometimes intimidating or overwhelming. Psychological evaluations use standardized tests to observe your behavior and measure your cognitive abilities, providing you with a diagnosis accessible by your provider to create a targeted treatment plan for your condition.
The evaluation starts with a clinical interview, followed by one or more tests, depending on your condition's complexity. There is a wide variety of tests, such as norm-referenced tests, computerized tests, and surveys; then, we collect your answers and scale them against a pre-defined score to verify whether your scores fall within normal or expected limits.
Click this link to read how tests are done, when they are indicated, and what to expect before and after the tests' administration. Furthermore, on this page, we briefly explore two essential brain areas: the hippocampus and the frontal lobe. Understanding more about these two brain regions, you are one step closer to being more confident about your mental health condition.
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Neuropsychological test
If your provider referred you for a neuropsychological evaluation, you’re probably confused about what it actually is and how it works precisely. You might also be a bit scared, as sometimes people feel like neuropsychological testing is invasive and painful.
Let us reassure you: it is not. Neuropsychological testing involves testing the function of your brain to determine its integrity and capacity. It assesses multiple factors, such as processing speed, learning new information, remembering, reasoning, problem-solving skills, mood, personality, and much more.
Since your brain is a complex machine, the test aims to evaluate your brain’s extrinsic and intrinsic function that has to do with your behavior. Click here to walk through the in’s-and-out’s of neuropsychological testing, how it works, what it tests, and some standard components of the tests.
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Group Therapy
Are you thinking of participating in group therapy? Are you confused about what it is, the benefits, drawbacks, and how to successfully start this new journey? Then read on to find your questions answered.
Group psychotherapy is where a trained professional provides a confidential environment to foster group discussions on specific topics and where participants are free to share any concerns, highs, and lows of their life with the rest of the group. It is beneficial for yourself and helps other group members, as they will understand how others cope with their conditions.
Your therapist will place you into a group of people who are in a similar situation to provide you and your peers with the best possible results.
The benefits of group psychotherapy, as discussed on this page, far outweigh the drawbacks. This, because group therapy is highly successful, thanks to its therapeutic nature. You’re in a safe, confidential, and understanding environment where your therapist and peers hear everything you say to allow you to share your thoughts to boost your success.
This page explores and discusses various aspects of group psychotherapy, such as the benefits, drawbacks, how it works, and much more.
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Couples Counseling.
Good emotional connections is the pillar of any relationship. Emphasizing the solution triggers that emotional understanding the couple needs. We offer counseling to meet both your needs at a time that fits your schedules.
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